When looking at a map of Hilton Head, you can find Fish Haul Creek near Beach City Road on the island’s north end. It stands to reason that Fish Haul Creek Park should be close to Fish Haul Creek, right?

The Transition to Mitchelville Freedom Park
So, the question remains, “Where is Fish Haul Creek Park?”. The short answer is, it was renamed Mitchelville Freedom Park to preserve the heritage of Mitchelville. As you can see from the sign before 2018, a transition was beginning to make Fish Haul Creek Park the new Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park.

In 2010, the Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park was organized, and initial designs were drawn up for the location and direction of the park.
Fish Haul Beach Park become Mitchelville Freedom Park
In 1988, the area that was known to many in Hilton Head as Fish Haul Creek Park, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2005, Hilton Head citizens came together in order to preserve the heritage of Mitchelville. The Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park was put together in 2010 and initial designs were drawn up for the location we see today.
History of Mitchelville
Before visiting Mitchelville Freedom Park, it would be beneficial to learn a little more about the history. A visit to the Official Mitchelville site for Mitchelville is a good place to start. This will fill you in on all of the History as well as the upcoming changes to the area. If you decide to just stop by, more information on the Mitchelville Freedom Park is here to show you what to expect when visiting.
Another great place to visit nearby
If you are in the Beach City Road area to visit Mitchelville Freedom Park (the old Fish Haul Creek Park), you might want to stop by Fish Haul Beach Park a short distance a way.
Fish Haul Creek
While the name might have changed, the beauty and surroundings have remained the same. Walks along the trails to the marsh area and the Port Royal Sound are still the same way they were when this area was Fish Haul Creek Park. The views are spectacular and walking through the marsh area from the Port Royal Sound is amazing when the tide is low. Depending on the time you visit, you might find some locals crabbing along Fish Haul Creek.
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