The Rear Range Lighthouse is located in the private community of Leamington inside the Palmetto Dunes resort. Typically, the Leamington private community is off-limits to anyone not living in the gated community. However, if you ask permission to see the Rear Range Lighthouse, you will be given temporary access to this magnificent piece of history. The lighthouse itself is located between the 5th and 15th holes of the Arthur Hills Golf Course. To access the lighthouse, enter Palmetto Dunes off the William Hilton Highway. Once on the grounds of Palmetto Dunes, make your way to the Leamington gated entrance. From here, you can let the guard know that you are interested in seeing the lighthouse, and they will take down your information (provided by a photo ID) and give you a temporary pass to the Leamington community. This is a fun adventure and is well worth the time to explore.